Friday, November 13, 2015

                                         Athletes and Sports Competitor

Duties and Responsibilities:
These people practice in their teams to entertain spectators. They work irregular hours and they rest mostly on the weekends and holidays. They can be resistant to all weather types.

They earn about $40,060 each year.

These athletes need to have at least a High School Diploma or equivalent. They need to practice every day too.

athletes and sports competitors image


I would like to become a professional soccer player because it’s what I want to do when I grow up. I want to start getting better on it and you also get paid well.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Veterans Day
Veterans day is a day that we commemorate to all the soldiers that died and fought for our country The United States. Some veterans are still alive and this day is their day. We do this because we want to show how much we care for other peoples lives. They are the people that protect us from danger.

Veterans day is on November 11. It was an event created by Woodrow Wilson on 1919 after world war 1

The purpose of veterans day is to say thank you to all the soldiers that protected us in the recent wars with other countries. This is the day soldiers will be congratulated for what they have done for the United states. 

To show honor to our veterans is to pray to them and thank them for all the good things they have done for us. If it wasn't for them, who knows what might of happen to the United States.

Ways to show respect

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  1. Sing an american song. 
  2. Pray for them. 
  3. Say the flag salute 
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For me veterans day is a day that we should never get rid of. Veterans day is the day we give respect to the american soldiers that fought for us humans. I think Soldiers deserve all the respect from us. They are the ones risking their lives for us. They protect us and serve for the country. Veterans day is a day where every person should be proud of their country for soldiers that fight for their own country. 

Friday, November 6, 2015

Shall be wise

"He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: But a companion of fools shall be destroyed."
Proverbs 13:20
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In the quote Proverbs is saying that if you hang out with wise people that is good but if you hang out with bad people you will turn bad and then you will get destroyed.  There are many ways you will get destroyed. You or your mates can go to jail or you guys can be doing drugs all day. That's what destroys relation ships. If you ctr you will be wise and cool.

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What ever friend you hang out with you can go to a bad path or a good path. If you choose the right path you will be rewarded with good things. If you choose the wrong path you will go to a bad trail, If you think about it, It actually does make sense. Choose the right friends and you will be a wise Human.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

To Do Good
"The best recreation is to do good"
Image result for william penn
The best way to enjoy your recreation time is to do good the rest of the day. When you do good before your recreation you will feel good when you are in your free time. You wont have to be stressing out and you'll have a good time not being bored. This is why its important to have a good day. It gives you happiness.
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In your free time it is better to feel energized and be positive in what your doing. If you are just sad because you did something wrong a while ago, you wouldn't be at your best and you will be lazy. So when you ctr the whole day you will feel good about playing or doing whatever you want 

Monday, November 2, 2015

"Right is right, even if everyone is against it;and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it."
William Penn
Image result for william penn
When people are against something right it is the right thing to do. But when something is wrong they don't go against it and just go with it. This quote is saying that us people choose the wrong when we know it is wrong. And if something is right we break the rules and forget about the rules. Why? Because we think we could do whatever we want. But in reality it is the right thing to do and we know it. 

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An example of this is breaking the rules in school. It could be like the teacher tells you to do something and you know you have to do it but you don't do it. An example for choosing wrong even when you know is wrong is teasing someone. You know when you hurt someones feelings and you know that you are doing wrong. Everyone notices. There is always these kinds of people. We all go against something good and we all choose the wrong.