Friday, June 10, 2016

Class Evaluation
  1. I liked that we didn't use pencils but just type. I liked Mr. Haymore because he is a great teacher and I liked that we created our own website. 
  2. I honestly don't have something I hate in this class
  3. More life planning goals journal time. More typing tutor minutes. 
  4. I was bad at typing in the beginning but at the end I have learned how to type. 
  5. Not really this class was the easiest. 
  6. Yes before I go to sleep i check my life planing journal and check things i have done and keep it updated
  7. Yes I am because that's how I got good grades in sophomore year. 
  8. I have learned to choose the right thing and not to go down hill. I will tell them in person my opinion of doing the right thing. 
  9. Mr. Haymore will be remembered because he really taught me a valuable lesson!
“You will go far with CTR.”
Last Lecture
I have learned many things from Mr. Haymore. The things he says are really true. When we do the right things we can make anything possible. When we choose the right we are danger free from drugs and other bad influences. When we choose the wrong we can go to jail or be doing drugs and be depressed. I have learned from experience what choosing the right means. In my 10th grade year i have started choosing the right. I am very proud of my work because Mr. Haymore taught me that if we want to pursue something good we have to sacrifice bad things and choose the right to get what we want. One thing I did was get good grades. In order to get good grades i would choose the right and do my work rather than hang out with my bad friends or stop playing video games because it was a distraction. I am very thankful that i had haymore because without him I don’t know where i would be right now. Probably the ctw way...

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

The Ultimate Choice
Of all the choices you will ever make, one choice supersedes all others-the ultimate choice. This one choice will help you to always make the correct decisions for the remainder of your life. This one choice, The Ultimate choice, is your keystone for being the best student and person you can possibly be. This one choice will forever affect you for good more than any other choice
The Ultimate choice is:
To be a CTR person- to always choose the right 24/7
Mr. Haymore

This quote means that when you want to make a choice you need to make a healthy choice. You want to choose the choice that will lead you to a good pathway. Choice determine your destiny and if you choose the wrong your whole life is going to be in danger because choice can be deadly. Even small ones. It is better to do the right choice because you won’t get in trouble and won't have to worry about anything. Mr. Haymore taught us that if we choose the right we will be awarded with keystone that makes us a great student and the best person we can possibly be. This is why we need to do the right thing. When we make the right decisions we can make many more great decisions.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Beautiful Character

If there is beauty in character, there will be harmony in the home. If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation, there will be peace in the world.
Conclusion: If there is beauty in character, there will be peace in the world.

This quote means that if you are a person with great character you can be the person to create peace around you. You have to show what you do for your community and if people notice they will like you and you can also make people choose the right way they will make strong and healthy decisions. People who have bad character are the bad influences you have to be a good character in order to create world peace.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

“I would prefer even to fail with honor than win by cheating.”

This quote means that you would rather fail than cheat because cheating is being selfish and being selfish is bad. Cheating is choosing the wrong because you are lying about something that you are not capable of. It is better to do whats right and keep trying to do the right thing. In guarantee that if you don't cheat and win 1st place you will be proud of yourself but when your 1st place and you cheated you will be worrying about what really will happen if they found out you cheated so it’s best to just do the right thing. When you cheat people can find out easily and you are not safe but. Happiness is also temporary when you cheat too. When you don’t cheat it's a lifetime experience that last till you pass away. It is like an achievement you always wanted to earn. It feels great to feel great doing great things at the right time. This is a great example. Almost all people should learn from this.
A Current Health-Related Event or Issue.

Obesity and Overweight

Obesity is a health problem that happens to people in any age. Obesity is basically the definition of being overweight. Being overweight can be very dangerous because you can get type 2 diabetes and it can clog most of your arteries and veins. This can also be the result of having high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

People any age can be involved in this. This mostly starts during childhood so it can be deadly when you are a teen or an adult.

Many people have made organizations to help the people in need. So far they have made groups of kids that exercise and making them go on a diet for months. They not only do that but they also help kids work out and discipline them. There are also things just like this for adult and teens.

Reflection: This does not relate to me. Even though i eat a lot of food i have high metabolism.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Memorial Day
Memorial day is the day when we give thanks to all the United States soldiers who fought for United States either dead or alive
Memorial day is on Monday, May 30th.
Ways to show honor is put up an American flag on your house and pray for those who put their life on the line for american citizens. We can also attend ceremonies and give thanks to those people too.

Many things happen on memorial day. Some American families celebrate and There are ceremonies that thank the soldiers for their hard work. In the white house the president thanks those soldiers the ones who are dead or alive.
What I will do on memorial day is pray for those who died for our country to show some respect.

I think memorial day is not a day that should only be only remembered for a day. It should be memorial day everyday because we need to thank a lot of soldiers that sacrifice their lives for us. Lots of American Soldiers die every day and it should be respectful to show them that we care for them everyday. I think memorial day shouldn’t be a day where you whip out the grill and make barbecue. It should be a day of silence where you need to think about the sacrificed lives that they put on us. I think that's what memorial day should be like.    

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Eight great Reasons to tell the Truth
By: Barbara A. Lewis
  1. Telling the truth lets everyone know what really happened. There’s less chance of misunderstanding, confusion, or conflict.
  2. Telling the truth protects innocent people from being blamed or punished.
  3. Telling the truth allows everyone to learn from what happened.
  4. You usually get into less trouble for telling the truth other than for lying (and getting caught).
  5. Other people trust you more when you tell the truth.
  6. You don’t have to tell (and remember) more lies to keep your story straight.
  7. You gain reputation for being truthful- a trait most people value.
  8. Telling the truth helps you feel secure and peaceful. Inside.

These are all positive things that happen when you say the truth. It is better to say the truth rather than lie because when you lie you are committing even more trouble so therefore just say the truth to end your suffering on the inside of you. When you say the truth you will feel good inside and you won’t have to worry about it. Many people will now see you as an honest person if you are honest with them and people will dislike you if you are a liar. It is known by experience because us humans trust those who are honest and not liars. We gain many things for not lying and it is worth it to say the truth.

Yoga Therapist
Duties and Responsibilities:
Yoga therapist help people get involved in training activities. They help groups or individuals. They also motivate them.These include cardiovascular activities, strength activities and stretching. They work with people all ages and different activities.

They earn about $36,160 per year and earn $17.39 per hour. This is average for yoga trainers.

You need to do training till you get a certificate and till you're also verified.

Demand for this profession:
This job is growing 8% each year as of 2014 to 2024. This is average. But since the government needs more people to be fit this job needs to grow even more.


Becoming a yoga therapist can be very cool because in your job all you do is train for yourself and other people. This job is very easy.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Student success statement
“ If I’ve got correct goals, and if I keep pursuing them the best way I know how, everything else falls into line. If i do the right thing right, I’m going to succeed.”
By: Dan Dierdorf
What this quote means is that if you choose the right goals and the right decisions you will be a successful person. This does make sense because when you choose the right everything even you goals is just a waste because you are just wasting your time doing bad things you aren't supposed to do. It is best to do what’s right because you can be free and be satisfied with all the progress you made. But when you choose the wrong you are not satisfied with what you did and you wish you didn’t do that bad thing. So when you have good goals keep pursuing them to get what you want and to be a ctr person and when you got a bad goals don’t pursue it because it is going to take you the wrong way.
Wellness Specialist
Duties and Responsibilities:
These people teach people behaviors that promote wellness. They provide strategies to help improve health for the individuals and the community. They collect data and discuss health issues with members people and the community. They also help people find services and information.
These people get paid $43,840 per year and earn up to $21.08 per hour.

You need to have a bachelor's degree. You need to be a certified health specialist credential. If you have a high school diploma in order to become one you need a on the job training.

Demand for this profession:
It is projected to grow 13% from 2014 to 2024. This job needs more people to join.

This job is meant to help people with their problems. It is to identify their problems. I can do that plus it's not a lot to study.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Good Values
“The most important thing you will ever have is good values.”
Dennis Prager

This quote means that having good values in a person is the best thing you can have. That means that being a good person is the best thing you can be. Being a bad person is the wrong thing you can do. Without character you are nothing but a loser who chooses the wrong and thinks he is doing right. Having a good character is important for everyone because it makes them choose the right. Many people like other people with good character. With great values we can be a great person. Great values means helping out other people, not doing bad things, and respecting others. There are many more things you can do to be a person with great value.
Duties and Responsibilities:
These people treat animals just like humans are treated. They work to keep the public healthy from pets and work to keep the pets as healthy as possible. They diagnose what the animals have like if they have a disease and check livestock.

Veterinarians earn up to $87,590 each year and earn $42.11 an hour.

These workers need to have a doctor's degree for veterinary medicine. They must be verified by the state and accredited from a college.

Demand for this profession:
This job is estimated to grow 9% from 2014 to 2024.

This job can be really cool. This is all about animal anatomy. Not all humans know about animal anatomy or physiology. It will be a good thing for me to learn about animals.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Phillip Riggs's Four Success Tips
  1. Work Hard.
  2. Follow Your passions. Do things you are interested in doing.
  3. Don’t chase after money.
  4. Serve others. Do good things for others, and good things will come to you.

All these things are what every student needs. If we want to get what we want in life we have to work hard for it. Do whatever you like or desire. Don’t let anyone tell you what to do. It is in your hands and mind to do whatever you like. If you don’t like what you are doing then you aren’t accomplishing nothing in life. Do not do things you hate just for money. It is better for money to come to your hands when you are doing something you like. Do what you like and money won’t even matter. It just matters in what you’re doing. The last one is serve others. When you serve other you feel good about yourself. When you serve others it makes you a good person. Good things come around when you help others. Help others and good things will happen to you also.
Highest Free Fall Parachute Jump
Felix Baumgartner
October 14, 2012
My favorite world record is Messi’s 5th Golden ball. Messi is my idol and he is the best player in the world and he broke the record of having more than other players. The Golden ball is a prestigious award you get  for being the best soccer player in the world. That is what makes me choose him because he is the best player in the world.
Breaking a world record is someone’s dream. Who ever doesn’t want to break a world record just doesn’t want to accomplish anything in life. The point of living is to do as many things as possible. There is no limit in what we can do.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Image result for rattlesnake
"You knew what I was when you picked me up."
In the short video we saw it was about a guy that picked up a snake after the snake promised not to bite him. The snake was supposedly cold and hungry. When the guy and the snake went down the mountain, the guy dropped the snake and the snake bit him on the leg and then said "you knew what I was when you picked me up." This means that the guy already knew the rattle snake was dangerous and it was going to harm him anyways. The moral of the video was that is you pick up something that is going harm you don't do it. Think of the best decision which is the right thing. 

The Right Thing
“In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing.”
Theodore Roosevelt

In this quote it means that at any time where you have to make a decision it is best to do the right thing. If you are in a situation between right and wrong you would have to choose the right. An example of this is when you are about to steal something you have to choose either to ctw or ctr. In some cases some people choose the wrong but some choose the right. Choosing the right is way better because nothing happens to you because you did the right thing so that means that a cop won’t come to you because you did the right thing no, it’s called freedom. When you choose the right you have freedom. When you choose the wrong you have all your privileges taken away and you could possibly go to jail for that. That’s why you have to make the right decision at the right time.
Police and Detectives
Duties and Responsibilities:
Police officers protect lives and property. They also receive emergency calls and respond to them. The detectives and criminal investigators who are called special agents gather information of crimes. Both these arrest people and put a warrant on them.

They earn about $60,270 per year and earn up to $28.97 each hour.

You need a high school diploma or any college degree. Some detectives graduate from agency academy before completing their period of on the job training.

Demand for this profession:
This job is growing 4% as of 2014 to 2024 it is slower than average. The continuation for this job is desired.


I think this job is for people who want to server for their country. I would like to become a police officer because they help out the community and there are some that just abuse the job of being a cop. I would like to serve for justice.

Monday, May 9, 2016

“Nothing is ever gained in doing what’s wrong.”
By: Wilford Wood ruff
In this quote what it means is that if you choose the wrong you will receive nothing whatsoever. When you choose the wrong you are thinking that oh i'm going to get good ness off of this like what if you're cheating on a test and you pass the class but then you don't know what to do when you have a job related to the class you took? Nothing is gained because you did the wrong thing and you don’t even know nothing. See this is why choosing the right is important because when you choose the right you will make healthy decisions that will help you in life. Many know that you won’t receive nothing when you choose the wrong because you already know it. The only thing you can receive by doing wrong is Karma. Karma comes around and bites you. Don’t forget that because it is true
My Sophomore Year at HPIAM

My sophomore year at HPIAM was decent. My classed were good and my friends were the same. It was very challenging being a sophomore because it is a hard level. I am proud f the grades I got. I am also very proud of how much I improved during my 10th grade year. Last year which was when i was a Freshmen I was doing bad. My grades were bad and I really didn't care but now that i'm in 10th grade I should be more responsible because I am closer to adult hood where no one can help you but yourself. This year was my year because I said to myself that I need to change so I've changed because I don't want to end up working in a bad position in a job. I will keep on doing better things in the future and hopefully I will join the US Marines when i'm 20. I want to travel around the world and I want to challenge my self.  I also want to earn enough money to go to college and study more to become a scientist or a lawyer. My job here on earth just started as i am becoming more bright everyday. Mr. Heymour has helped me see that when you do the right thing better things are for you in the future. Now me I have chosen the right sometimes but it is my job to always do it that way I will have my freedom. CTR has helped me because if I CTW I would be doing bad and I wouldn't be proud of myself as I am right now. I hope I will do the same thing till senior year. I want to graduate High school with my diploma and teach other how important it is to plan ahead. With my life goals in my journal you could do many things in a day rather than trying to figure out what to do in a day. The life planning goals journal is made to help you achieve goals in the future and that what I am doing right now. So far i have achieved many goals and I will achieve many more. 
Image result for marines