Wednesday, March 30, 2016

“I Won’t Cheat”

Dale Murphy

Cheating is doing the wrong thing. You are a coward when you cheat because you know you're going to fail or lose. Cheating means that you’re not responsible enough to handle your studying or practicing. It is better to just do what right and not cheat because you learn from your mistakes and turn better at what you're doing. Cheating is not the good pathway. That's why Dale is telling us if we cheat we will get caught and our consequences will be big but if we don't cheat we will get better at what we are doing. Dale is a huge example because he never cheated when he played baseball.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Psychiatrist help people that have mental disabilities and aid them. They test their patients conditions and aid them throughout the day like pushing them on a wheel chair and making sure they are in a safe environment.

Psychiatrist earn $28,470 a year and earn $13.69 every hour.

These people need post secondary education, and aids need to have at least a high school diploma. Psychiatrist need to be trained too.

Demand For This Profession:
The United States need more psychiatrist. During the past years, there were many psychiatrist but they are mostly 55 or older. There are not that many psychiatrists that are young.


There are many psychiatrist need so if i had the chance to help old people or disabled people i would do it to help out. I don't care about how much money they give me.

Friday, March 18, 2016

“Character Matters Most”
Dale Murphy
What this quote means is that our attitude matters the most or as you can say character matters most. Character matters most because that is what most people expect from you. To be a good person. Having a good character means you have to be a ctr person and don’t do bad stuff like doing drugs, lying, and committing a crime. Having a good character means that you have to give to people always be honest and never harm your body nor steal things from people. Dale Murphy is an example of a ctr person because he never did drugs, never drank alcoholic beverages, and he always treated people with  respect.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Pharmacists see prescriptions and give whatever the customer needs. They offer safe instructions to patients who need it. They also may have medications that will cure somethings. These people not only give medications but they also give flu shots and other shots too. They give advice to patients and tell them what to do to maintain a great body.

Pharmacist get paid $120,950 a year and $58.15 an hour.

In order to become a pharmacist you need a Doctor's degree. After you need to go to a medical school and learn about the body and learn how to give prescriptions. After all that you can be a pharmacist in a clinic or a hospital.

Demand for this profession:
There is not much need for pharmacist because people buy their prescriptions online now a days. But the pharmacist job rate has lowered to a 3% population.


Being a pharmacist take lots of school year. I wouldn’t take 6 years just to become one.

Friday, March 4, 2016

In Acting Well
"Act well your part; there all honor lies."
Alexander Pope
Image result for alexander pope

When you act like a good person you are being honorable. An example of this is when you act good towards people and never lie. This quote also means that if you ctr you get honored by people. Everyone has to act well and they wont be liars. Honor is what makes people a ctr person. If you don't ctr you act bad and that does not make you honorable. People wont rely on you to be their friend and people wont also trust you so that's why it is is important to always tell the truth because it is the right thing to do. 
Nursing Home Administrators
Duties and Responsibilities:
These people are also called health care administrators. These people manage from clinics to hospitals and practice what physicians do. It depends what they do if their manager tell them what to do. They can be working in offices or they can be helping physicians or helping patients with problems.

The average salary for a Nursing Home Administrator is $103.700 in 2014 but in 2016 it increased to $110,800.

You need at least a bachelor’s degree before becoming one however a master degree could be common. You also need some experience working in offices and people.
medical and health services managers image

I wouldn’t like to become one because it seems hard to get in a job like this because you need to take care of patients and diagnose their problems.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Good Quality People
"Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for 'its better to be alone than in bad company."
George Washington
Image result for george washington
In this quote what George means is that it is recommended to hang out with better friends than bad people. You do not want to hang out with bad people because they can change you life in a bad way. They can make you go to jail or possibly die. It is better to hang out with good people because they can lead your life to a better perspective. They wont be bad influence and they will help you through tough times just like real friends. The fake friends are what put you in to bad situations and we know that but we don't listen to the wise people.
"Right is right only when entire."
Image result for victor hugo
Victor Hugo
In this quote what is means is that when you do the right thing you have to do it entirely. So if someone were to leave money on the floor and you get half of it and then give the other half it is wrong. You need to give the full thing. Not even keep a dollar or a penny. It is not yours so therefore you have to give it all and entirely is what makes is right. This is what people need to do because some people do not give what they found and claim that's theirs. We need to learn to give things back when its theirs.